Wednesday 9 January 2008


The NDP was originally formed in 1911, under the guidance of our supreme leader; Maximus Khan Al-Edu. The original NDP HQ was established in Moscow, Russia with the assistance of the Inter-poletary Foreign Council of International Relationships, and was primarily designed to offer a last form of resistance, and counter-intelligence methods designed to subvert enemy defenses and allow the IFCIR to communicate with friendly agents in opppsing command bases.

Unfortunately, the NDP overrode its original authority, and Project Blackstone was initiated in 1940, after the Nazi-Soviet Pact signed by Stalin, in which the NDP was unofficially designatated as the Russian Spy Engine for spying on the Nazi Party. This was assisted by the help of the KGB and the Russian Ministry of Defense.

Therefore, in accordance with Russian Foreign Decree #0112, the NDP was disbanded as of 1956, but unofficially, the operations continued under new leadership. All files, etc. are classifed under the NDP Decree #0001, which defines the only people with authority high enough (Omega-Delta level) to access the personnel files.